Sunday 13 October 2013

Access All Areas

Hello and welcome to my first blog. I am a 50yr old wheelchair user as
A consequence of multiple sclerosis recently rendering me unable to walk. I am heading up a one woman campaign to fight for better disabled access,initially in my local area of Sheffield.(Gleadless Townend).

I've begun my campaign which has the logo below. I started by using my iphone to video the state of pavements and dropped kerbs from a wheelchair view. "Absolutely shocking"was the response of Facebook friends who saw the three videos. These blogs will take you through my actions and progress and failures as I attempt to prove that having pavements in such a state is a breach of the law (Equality and Human Rights Act) in that, if no improvements are made, then no "access to goods and Services" is being provided!

So as you can see I am going to be taking on the big guys and I'll need all the support I can get. Look in for episode 1 tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you changed to Blogger :D

    Click the "add label" in your settings and it'll allow you tag your posts with key words.

    Brilliant and welcome to the rest of the world :-)
